Simple Present in Brazilian Portuguese – REGULAR VERBS

Hello guy! How are you doing? After a short break on our posts we’re back to talk about VERBS IN PORTUGUESE! 😉

Doubts in the conjugation of verbs are very common, even for native speakers, but we are here to try to help you to understand how to conjugate a verb in Portuguese by learning some good tips that may help you to understand the logic behind Portuguese verbs.

The first thing you should know is that all the verbs in Portuguese end in -AR, -ER or – IR, for exemple: caminhAR, escrevER and partIR. So we say that there are verbs divided into 3 conjugations: 1°: AR, 2°: ER and 3°: IR. This conjugations are also the INFINITIVE of the verbs. For example, “cantar”(to sing), “sentar” (to sit down) are verbs in infinitive and they are from first conjugation because they end in -AR.

The most important thing when we are learning how to conjugate verbs in Portuguese is to know that for each one of these conjugations (-AR, -ER and -IR) there is a verb ending. When the verbs are REGULARES it is easier because the ends will be the same, changing only according to the personal pronoun and the conjugations.


So today let’s start with the Simple Present or PRESENTE SIMPLES – INDICATIVO. Look at the example below:

CAMINHAR (To walk)

Eu caminho

Você caminha

Ele/Ela caminha

Nós caminhamos

Vocês caminham

Eles/ Elas caminham

Now you can see that all the REGULAR VERBS ending in AR will have the same end. Let’s see another verb:

FALAR (to speak)

Eu falo

Você fala

Ele/ Ela fala

Nós falamos

Vocês falam

Eles/ Elas falam

As you can see they will always end in the same way. Now check this  verb from the 2nd conjugation (-ER):

COMER (to eat)

Eu como

Você come

Ele/ Ela come

Nós comemos

Vocês comem

Eles/ Elas comem

All the regular verbs from the 2nd conjugation will end in -o, -e, -e, -emos, -em, -em.

Now to finish, let’s see how to conjugate verbs from the 3rd conjugation (-IR)

PUNIR (to punish)

Eu puno

Você pune

Ele/ Ela pune

Nós punimos

Vocês punem

Eles/ Elas punem

And this is all that you need to know to start to use the regular verbs correctly 😉

I hope this text has helped you to understand better the regular verbs. Leave you comments or your doubts, I will be glad to help you further. If you think it could be helpful to a friend feel free to SHARE IT.

See you  soon! Até logo!


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